Upcoming Events

with Victoria Angel Heart


Express Pleasure Workshop


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What Clients Are Saying...


"Victoria Angel Heart is a truly gifted facilitator. She is relatable, charming, clever, witty, and disarming in the most delightful and safe way.

 The container she creates feels safe and welcoming, and invites genuine authenticity and vulnerability. Her facilitation style comes from a place of truly caring for the people that she works with, and the safety she creates and establishes is amazing. Most importantly, she is deeply educated and committed to consent, which helps create a space to push one's boundaries. If you have the chance, I highly recommend working with Victoria.

"I highly recommend!

I came to the event feeing skeptical and if I’m honest, a bit judgmental. I was confident there would be moments in the program where I would be downright unwilling to participate. The first exercise was emotionally excruciating- I could barely hold an eye gaze for 3 seconds without anguish. However, after each exercise, I kept surprising myself with how vulnerable I was able to be with these people I just met. By the end of the night my head was in a man’s lap and he was massaging my scalp. 0% chance I would have believed you if you told me that was going to happen… I credit that openness I was able to access to her unique approach. Using humor, personal storytelling, demonstrations and affirmations, she took me from “this is way too woo-woo- not for me” to “wow, I actually want more of this!” By the time the workshop came to a close, Victoria had created a community from a group of complete strangers. It was quite a spectacular thing to witness. I highly recommend!"

"The work that Victoria offers is essential for most of us at this time of challenges and disruptions

 that also offers profound healing potential between the masculine and feminine (also humanity and Mother Earth). Victoria holds a container that is simultaneously sacred, profound, sweet, kind, simple, juicy and above all, SAFE. Highly recommended to enter the heart and unfold the potential of You!"